本帖最后由 Yee 于 2009-10-16 16:45 编辑
One day, a son says to his father:
“Dad, do you want to run a marathon with me?”
-and the father says ‘yes’.
They run their first marathon together.
Another time, the son asks again:
“Dad, do you want to run another marathon with me?”
- and the father says “ yes, my son”
One day, a son asks his father:
“Dad, do you want to run the Ironman with me?”
The ‘Ironman’ is the most difficult triathlon that exists:
(swim 4 km (2.48 miles ), bicycle during 180 km (111.84 miles)and run 42 km (26.09 miles )
- and the father says “ yes”.
The story seems “easy”. Until you watch the video…
*PS: Do you have a box of Kleenex ready ?